Books And Chapters
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2022 - Transdisciplinary financial literacy (Routledge)
2017 - Invited lead chapter ‘Transdisciplinary pedagogy in higher education'
INVITED chapters, one on ‘consumer responsibilities’ (pp. 527-545) and the other on ‘consumer perceptions of responsibility’ (pp. 567-596) in book titled Consumer Perception of Product Risks and Benefits
(Editors G. Emilien, R. Weitkunat and F. Luedicke) Springer
2015 - Transdisciplinary knowledge creation
In Transdisciplinary Professional Learning and Practice
Documents Available:
2014 - October INVITED chapter
Transdisciplinary consumer pedagogy. In Sustainability Frontiers: Critical and transformative voices from the borderlands of sustainability education. Also available at Amazon
2014 - Transdisciplinary pedagogy and learning
In International conversations of teacher educators: Teaching and learning in a global world
Documents Available:
2013 - Transversity: Transdisciplinarity in higher education
In Leading Transformative Higher Education (with Ross Volckmann)
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2012 - Sustainable contraction: An alternative to sustainable development
In Global sustainable development: A challenge for consumer citizens
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2010 Consumer Moral Leadership with Brill
Focus is on reframing consumption in the 21st century through multiple lenses, including: biomimicry, non-violence, integral peace, transdisciplinarity, integral theory, conscious (mindful) consumption.
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2010 - Favourable Review by Russ Volckmann (Editor of Integral Leadership Review)
"McGregor has differentiated herself from many of the other books we find on leaders by confronting the question of leadership...grounded in morality. What strikes me about this work is twofold: (1) the extraordinary breadth of scholarship represented and (2) the commitment to action. This book may be heavy reading for many citizen/consumers, but it is well worth the time spent."
2011 - Transversity: A study of transdisciplinarity and higher education (with Dr. Russ Volckmann)
2011 Transversity: A study of transdisciplinarity and higher education (with Dr. Russ Volckmann). Integral Publishers: Tucson, Arizona.
Purchase from Barnes and Noble and Amazon ($19.99)
The next 100 years: Creating home economics futures
The next 100 years: Creating home economics futures (2012), Co-edited collection
Book Chapter - Part II, Chapter 10: Politicizing Consumer Education: Conceptual Evolutions
Book Chapter (2010, Routledge)
Part II, Chapter 10: Politicizing Consumer Education: Conceptual Evolutions (pp. 122-133)
In Jenny Sandlin and Peter McLaren (Editors): Critical Pedagogies of Consumption
Book chapter 2009 - Peace and social justice: Pedagogy and practice.
In Julie Garber, Welling Hall, Joseph Liechty and Timothy McElwee (Eds), Peace, Justice and Security Studies: A curriculum guide (7th ed) (550 pages).
2008 - Chapter titled Five Orders of Consumer Adulthood and their Impact on Sustainability
Chapter titled Five Orders of Consumer Adulthood and their Impact on Sustainability in the International Federation for Home Economics E-Book on Global Sustainable Development: A Challenge for Consumer Citizens.
Documents Available:
IFHE 2008 Research Poster Session (Consumer Moral Adulthood)
Documents Available:
Invited Epilogue - 2008
Invited Epilogue in Finnish book edited by Dr. Terttu Tuomi-Gröhn, University of Helsinki, titled Reinventing Art of Everyday Making, Peter Lang Publishers
2008 - Invited Chapter
Invited Chapter in Drs Morgan Gardner and Ursula Kelly (Editors) Narrating Transformative Learning in Education (Palgrave MacMillan). My chapter is titled, Transformative Education: Grief and growth.
This collection highlights the experiences of an international group of educators as they explore the art of teaching, the philosophy of learning, and the tensions of working across socially constructed borders
To order:
Chapter in Book, March 2007
Invited chapter in book (Dr. Arjen Wals, (Ed.), the Netherlands)
Social Learning Towards a More Sustainable World: Principles, Perspectives and Praxis
My contribution, Chapter 19 of 27 chapters, is titles Sustainability through vicarious learning: Reframing consumer education (pp. 351-368).
Click Here to Buy the Book
In May, 2006, Dr. McGregor released a book titled Transformative Practice: New Pathways to Leadership. Kappa Omicron Nu (KON) is no longer publishing the book. Contact her directly if you are interested.
Favorable Reviews:
It has received favorable reviews in Integral Leadership Review and Design Research News (organization/journal for the UK based Design Research Society with membership in 40 countries). It has been featured in the International Leadership Association newsletter, creating global exposure. It is featured as recommended reading at the Network for Transdisciplinarity in Sciences and Humanity, based in Switzerland.
The Design Research News noted, "McGregor offers an additional intellectual framework from which to draw further nourishment for our personal philosophical growth."
The Integral Leadership Review noted, "McGregor has produced a truly transdisciplinary look at the subject of leadership and the practice of her profession... Her reach is broad enough to inspire us to take a fresh look at leadership."
2004, Book Chapter
Using transformative leadership and critical science in public policy. In C. Anderson (Ed.), Family and community policy (pp. 157-168). Alexandria, VA: American Association of Family & Consumer Sciences.
Documents Available:
- Click to Download (106 kb)
Taking the home economics paradigm into the 21st century
Chapter in 2004 IFHE Post Congress Proceedings on A New Paradigm for Home Economics.Chapter is titled "Taking the home economics paradigm into the 21st century" (pp. 153-173). Editors are Dr. Noriko Aria and Kahori Aoki (sponsored by the Japan Association of Home Economics Education).
Documents Available:
- Click to Download (208 kb)