Sue's Acknowledgements
(IPHE) accreditation from the International Federation for Home Economics
In 2017, Dr. McGregor obtained her International Professional Home Economics (IPHE) accreditation from the International Federation for Home Economics (one of the first 10 in the world).
Dr. McGregor was named the Karpatkin International Consumer Fellow by the American Council of Consumer Interest (ACCI), 2015
In recognition of her international contributions to consumer welfare and policy. Rhoda Karpatkin Consumer International Award
Transdisciplinary ATLAS Fellow
In May 2012, the Board of Governors of the Academy of Transdisciplinary Learning and Advanced Studies named Sue an ATLAS Fellow in recognition of her outstanding transdisciplinary achievements (promoting transdisciplinarity for the benefit of humanity).
Dr. McGregor was named Marjorie M. Brown Distinguished Professor (Kappa Omicron Nu) 2011
In recognition of the use of critical social theory in scholarship and research and for continuing to critically analyze concepts central to the field and calling for dialogue toward acceptance by the profession.

Dr. McGregor Granted Docent in Home Economics
In June 2010, the Chancellor's Office of the University of Helsinki (Finland) granted Dr. McGregor the title of Docent in Home Economics (Kotitaloustiede) (Faculty of Behavioural Sciences).

Dr. McGregor Received the TOPACE International Award
Sue received the TOPACE International Award for distinguished consumer scholarship and educator, at the Consumer Citizenship Network conference, Berlin, Germany (March 2009). Pronounced topaz (Tower Person Award for Consumer Education), this juried award recognizes people who are "strategic centers of action" who exhibit outstanding achievement, recognition and international cooperation. The conference involved participants from over 30 countries and was held at the Technical University of Berlin. The award was presented by Dr. Heiko Steffens.