Home Economics Links - American
KON - Kappa Omicron Nu Honor Society |
http://www.kon.org |
Empowered leaders through scholarship, research, and leadership development. |
AAFCS - American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences |
http://www.aafcs.org |
American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences is dedicated to Family & Consumer Sciences professionals, to improve the quality and standards of individual and family life by providing educational programs, influencing public policy, and through communication. |
FCSEA - Family and Consumer Sciences Education Association |
https://www.fcsed.net/home |
Family and Consumer Sciences Education Association promotes effective education programs, supplements existing services and resources available to family & consumer science educators, and cooperates with other associations in related fields. FCSEA works with other organizations in the area of public policy through the Family and Consumer Sciences Coalition. |
ACTE - The Association for Career and Technical Education, Family and Consumer Sciences Education Division |
http://www.acteonline.org/facs/#.Vdi1E62FO0E |
ACTE is a national education association dedicated to the advancement of education that prepares youth and adults for careers. FCS Division promotes and enhances FACS education throughout the U.S. and cooperates with other divisions to advance the purposes of ACTE |
NATEFACS National Association of Teacher Educators for FCS |
http://www.natefacs.org |
This is an affiliate of the Family and Consumer Sciences (FACS) Division of the Association for Career and Technical Education (ACTE) and strives to improve and strengthen teacher education in family and consumer sciences. There are four affiliates: teachers, teacher educators, state administrators and local supervisors. |
NEAFCS - National Extension Association for FCS |
http://www.neafcs.org |
Educates and recognizes extension professionals |